Official Website of Author and Poet
E. P. Tuazon
E. P. Tuazon’s “The Cussing Cat Clock” is a funny, sad, and often joyful meditation on the inner lives of teenagers and what it means to navigate an intensely white world as a Filipino adoptee. With Dru, our foul-mouthed guide, Tuazon has given us a narrator who could carry an entire novel with the sheer propulsion of her voice, and she’s accompanied by a cast of equally wry characters, including a woman who’s a magnet for neighborhood cats, an action-oriented best friend, and a verbal clock with a vocabulary that might be dirtier than hers. “The Cussing Cat Clock” showcases Tuazon’s talents for merging the strangeness of the world with the emotional impact of human connectivity—it’s a refreshing novella, and one worth spending an hour or two with.
"Tuazon's poetry is like a slideshow of life's most heartbreaking vignettes."
"Tuazon's work is not the kind you'd expect from a born and raised Los Angelean of the 80's and 90's. It does not speak to troubled youth, polarized political agendas, or even his own coming of age epiphanies. It seems that Tuazon's work's sole, cherished responsibility is to slow down time so that readers can enjoy reading for the sake of reading. Reminiscent of Raymond Carver's ordinary but profound prose, Tuazon has taken blank verse and transformed it into an ambient, intuitive, sparse sort of storytelling that will make you feel deja vu."
Rebecca Rubenstein -
Senior Fiction Editor,
The Rumpus

E. P. Tuazon is a Filipino-American writer from Los Angeles. They have published their works in several publications. They are currently a member of Advintage Press and The Blank Page Writing Club at the Open Book, Canyon Country. In their spare time, they like to wander the seafood section of Filipin0 markets to gossip with the crabs.
-Finalist for the Prairie Schooner Raz-Shumaker Book Prize in Fiction 2021
-Finalist for the Five South Short Fiction Prize 2021
-Short Story Pushcart Nomination 2021 for "Professional Lola"
-Third Place Winner of the Berkeley Fiction Review 2022 Sudden Fiction Contest
-Chosen by ZZ Packer as the recipient of the AWP Grace Paley Prize in Short Fiction